Captain Dave Romano Charters LLC
About your Trip.
Prepare to take a trip and experience old Florida while taking in the most scenic areas. Fishing trips include travelling through untouched habitats and ecosystems filled with wildlife and aquatic creatures. You will be amazed at the diversity of life and natural beauty.
Amenities and more
All Gear Included
We provide all Tackle, Rods and Gear Needed for your trip.
Child Friendly
Fish Cleaning
We offer cleaning services once returned to dock.
Free Water and Ice
All of our trips include Free Water and Ice for our guests
Ice chest and Ice
We have and Ice chest onboard to help keep your food and drinks cold on a warm sunny day.
Live Bait
About Your Captain
I have lived on the west coast of Florida for over 65 years, and evolved a respect for what nature provides. I learned to fish, sail and skipper a boat when I was 9 and now I spend most of my time on the water.
Some FAQ's
How much does it cost? Cost is usually $100 / hour with a 4 hour minimum.
Are there other costs? No, just tips if you enjoy the trip.
What kind of tackle do you use? Generally a 7-foot rod with medium action and spinning reels.
Can you do other things when you go out? Yes, stopping for lunch or a swim on the beach are frequently included. Also, watching dolphin and manatees as they are commonly seen while fishing.